Wednesday 27 February 2013

Professional Bongo Players

Hey guys,

So this week included two major events. Firstly, we had a 'percussion class' and secondly we went into Dublin to collect money for Lollipop day.

Lollipop day takes place every year, and Transition year students from all over the country participate in collecting money for charity. It's a fun day out and a great way to raise money for Oesophageal Cancer Research Ireland. We held collection buckets and gathered as much money as we could, and we also got to make our own way to any lunch destination of our choice (ours MacDonalds, no surprise there!). It was a great day and although we were f-f-freeeezing and at times felt like our toes were ready to fall off, we really feel like we have made a great contribution to the cause. Thank you to everyone who donated!

Earlier in the week we got together in our class groups to de-stress with ssome mad bongo playing. We learnt classic African songs and had a blast learning how to bring everything together. We were told the different names for different sized and shaped 'bongos' although I can't remember them now.. oops. If you're interested in having a fun afternoon of mad bongo playing then you can click here to contact David from the JabaJaba Jimbe organisation.

Till Next Week,

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